2 jours plus tard re mise a jour
Nous passons en 2.0.5
World of Warcraft Client Patch 2.0.5 (01/14/2007)
* Increased the maximum number of realms that can be listed in the Realm List.
* Updated the Terms of Use.
* Created an option to disable UI Acceleration for users of select video cards experiencing graphical corruption of the User Interface. To utilize this option, enter the following line to the Config.wtf file, located in the WTF subfolder of the game:
Set UIFaster "x"
Where x equals:
0 - This turns off all UI acceleration
1 - For Internal Use Only - DO NOT USE!
2 - Enables partial UI acceleration only.
3 - Enables all UI acceleration.
Set UIFaster "2"
Note: For users experiencing graphical corruption of the User Interface, it is recommended to try option 2 in order to correct the problem. If this does not solve the issue, then use option 0 to disable all UI Accleration.
Comble du malheur il est 16h45 plus de elune probleme hardware qui doit durer normalement (j'ai bien dis normalement ^^) 1 heure
Ah fils de lapin que je le sens mal pour demain
Deja lever 8h arrivé 9h au magasin et couper la main du gamin qui ose prendre la derniere boite de tbc (non mais pas pour les gamins ca gniark gniark gniark .... de toute facon tu dis rien et tu retournes a l'ecole )
A+ et bon wow a tous (ah bientot bon tbc a tous.... enfin j'espere )